Saturday, February 8, 2014

Historical References

The Dark Hunter series 
In the Dark Hunter book series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, there is a character who is a goddess by the name of Artemis. She is a huntress, whom is the creator of the Dark Hunters. She ends up capturing their souls with he bow and arrow, and their souls serve her.

Artemis 81
This movie about mythologogy is unsuprisingly circled around the Goddess, Artemis. 
Artemis appears in the Disney movie Hercules, as one of the goddesses of Mount Olympis. 
Battlestar Galactica
Starbuck is an Artemis figure in the new Battlestar Galactica

Video Games
God of War 
In the videogame by Sony, God of War, Artemis is depicted to give Kratos a sword called, "The Blade of Artemis."

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